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Based in Leeds, Border to Coast is the largest LGPS (Local Government Pension Scheme) pool in the UK. It is owned by 11 Local Government Pension Schemes (‘Partner Funds’). The Partner Funds represent3,100employers and 1.1 million members.

The Partner Funds are Bedfordshire, Cumbria, Durham, East Riding, Lincolnshire, North Yorkshire, South Yorkshire, Surrey, Teesside, Tyne and Wear and Warwickshire.

Border to Coast offers its 11 Partner Funds investment opportunities across equities, fixed income, private markets, and global real estate. UK real estate is under development.

As of 31 March 2024:

  • Partner Funds’ collective assets are £64bn.
  • Border to Coast is responsible formanaging or overseeing£52.3bn of Partner Fund assets (total assets pooled including passives. This is 82% of Partner Funds’ collective £64bn of assets).
  • Border to Coast has delivered a total of £105.6m of total cost savings (cumulative to 31 March 2024) and is on track to deliver £0.5bn of cost savings by 2032.
  • In the past year (23/24), among our many achievements, we have:
  • Launched a multi-asset private market ‘UK Opportunities’ strategy.
  • Delivered two global real estate propositions with £870m of investment.
  • Launched the Emerging Markets Equity Alpha Fund.
  • Secured a £1.4bn commitment to the second Climate Opportunities strategy.
  • Achieved the ‘Sunday Times Best Place to Work’ accolade.
  • Been awarded the LAPF ‘Pool Innovation of the Year’; ‘Active Manager of the Year’ by Pensions Age; and ‘Alternative Investment Manager of the Year’ and ‘Equity Manager of the Year’ by Professional Pensions.

Border to Coast Pensions Partnership Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England Number: 10795539 and Registered Office: 5th Floor, Toronto Square, Toronto Street, Leeds, LS1 2HJ. Further details can be found at

We were established by our Partner Funds to facilitate the pooling of their investments with the objective of improving value for money through scale, increased access to investment opportunities, and strengthened governance.

Pooling gives us a stronger voice and, working collectively with our Partner Funds and across the asset owner and asset management industry, we aim to deliver cost-effective, innovative and responsible investment, thereby enabling strong, risk-adjusted, performance over the long term.

We design, develop and manage investments to support our Partner Funds’ strategic asset allocations across equities, fixed income, private markets, and real estate. We believe that strong and sustainable investment performance is delivered through robust portfolio risk, research, and responsible investment capabilities.


Responsible investment runs through all that we do, and we are an active steward of our Partner Funds’ assets. We engage with companies on their behalf to drive positive real-world change in the belief that this is the best way to both mitigate material financial risks and unlock greater long-term value.

Further information on our propositions and our approach can be found on our websitePension Pool Investment Funds - Border To Coast - Equities, Income, Private Markets, Real Estate






data pubblicazione 27/08/2024
data scadenza 27/09/2024
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